Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So. I had a whole post typed out about stuff that no one really wants to read about. I erased it. You can thank me later.

We had a garage sale. A lady came by and bought this big yard swing. It's metal and has a covering, so it's not easy to move. She paid for it and said she would send her husband back the next day to pick it up. Guess what? He never came. We are wondering if she totally forgot the address? She didn't take any names or numbers, so now what? It makes me giggle just a little bit as it sounds like something I would do. Except that I am a lot tighter with my money and I would have definitely taken down the address and phone number if I paid for it!

We are rearranging the bf's house and doing some painting. I have had my nose in pinterest looking at all the paint colors and decorating ideas. So many beautiful things! So many impractical ones, too.

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